Narrative text..


Once there was a shepherd boy. He had to look after a flock of sheep every day.

One day, he felt very lonely and bored. He decided to play trick on the villagers. He ran into the village, shouting very loudly,”Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!”

The villagers heard his cries and came running to chase away the wolf. When they reached the meadow, they asked the boy,”Where is the wolf?” The shepherd boy said, “Oh! It was here, but now it is gone.”

The next day, he played the same trick again. He shouted, “Help! Wolf!”
The villagers ran to help the boy. But once again they did not see the wolf.

1.What is the text?
a. Recount c. Narrative
b. Report d. Descriptive

2.What is the purpose of the text?
a.To describe something
b.To retell someone’s biography
c.To entertain the readers
d.To describe something step by step

3.“He decided to play trick on the villagers.”
The word “he” is refer to...
a.Shepherd boy
4.Who asked to help the villagers?
c.Shepherd boy
5.He “promised” not to trick people again.
The underlined word the same meaning as...

Profile's Mr. Hendar..

Mr. Suhaindar, S.Kom,SE usually called Hendar. He was born in Cirebon, February 17, 1981. He graduated from S1 Economy Univercity Pajajaran and Univercity Kebangsaan in Bandung. The education begin from SDN Cisaat 2, then continued to SMPN 1 Dukupuntang and SMAN 1 Sumber. And then continued to lecture in Univercity Pajajaran. The time of education until now, much carier he can, as : Become leader OSIS, BECOME A LEADER Of PASKIBRA, in SMAN 1 Sumber, THE LEADER of SPAC (Satuan Pecinta Alam), the Secretary of RAPI until now, and secretary of Ki Ageng Tapa Voundation in Cisaat. He also got first champion of Speach Competition, and first champion of PBB Competition.
Now, he already become a computer teacher in SMPN 1 Sumber for tWo yEars. There are some experiences whEn he teaches in SMPN 1 Sumber, Such as:
~ The students easy to accept the subject given.
~ The students have different skills.
And now, He live in Cisaat village RT04 RW03 Dukupuntang, Cirebon with his wife and one son. Her name is Siti Maryam and his name is Saeful ANwar.